Good New Clubs - Meet Kids right where they are...

Children today face an increasingly dangerous and hopeless world. Unchurched families in every country—and even locally, in your own community—have no legacy of faith to pass on to their children. They do not know the reason for our hope.


In schools (yes, schools!), community centers, churches, and neighborhood homes, teachers who are screened, trained, and equipped lead action-packed Good News Clubs every week, delivering the timeless truths of the Bible in exciting, engaging ways. Children learn the Gospel, and many come to know Jesus as their Savior.


Good News Clubs only happen because of people like you! You can help organize and lead a club in your home, at your church, or in your school. You can support our work training and equipping teachers with your donations. And most importantly, you can pray for this ministry!


5 - Day Club

5-Day Club® is an exciting, fun-filled one and a half hour held each day for five consecutive days. It includes: dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary stories, meaningful songs, and life-changing Scripture memorization.


Placed right in their neighborhoods, a 5-Day Club is easy for a child to access on their summer break. Teachers are trained and equipped to lead action-packed 5-Day Clubs for one solid week, delivering the timeless truths of the Bible in exciting, engaging ways. Children learn the Gospel, and many come to know Jesus as their Savior.


Military Children's Ministry


Through Military Children’s Ministry, a Good News Club® is held in a home or school in the military neighborhood that is safe for a child to attend. It is another way to bring the teaching of biblical morality to this neighborhood. It connects the child and family to others where they live developing a good community spirit. It assists the chaplain in reaching the children during the week and discipling the children in the Word of God.

Christian Youth in Action

How are you spending your summer? As relaxing as it may be to chill at the pool or hang out with friends, what if you chose instead to make an eternal impact in the lives of kids right where you live? High school and college age students from around your state are coming together to reach the boys and girls of your community – and YOU can be a part of this team!

Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA) is a program designed to train you and a team of other young people in effective and engaging ways to teach children about God. You will attend a one to two week training school where you will learn to present the Gospel clearly on a child’s level, counsel a child for salvation and lead a dynamic club ministry for kids. Components of this club include teaching a Bible lesson, a real-life missionary story and a Bible verse as well as leading songs, games and a fun review time.


After this training, you will return to your local community and teach clubs at various locations with a team of other young people. These clubs take place out in the community with predominantly unsaved kids who don’t regularly attend church. You will be able to take the light of the Gospel to them in their apartment complexes, day care centers, neighborhoods, schools and other community locations. Depending on the state you serve in, you will teach clubs from one to five weeks during the summer.

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